5 events found.
Examination Dates (OpenUnis Study Period 3)
Centrally Scheduled Examinations and Assessments are scheduled during this period.
Last Date Results Extraction (Uni Term 2, 2023)
The last date (11:59PM) for unit coordinators to extract their results through Blackboard for this study period.
Requests for Assessments and Exams (OpenUnis Study Period 2)
The online portal to request Centrally Scheduled Deferred and Further Assessments opens.
DA/FA Portal Opens for Assessments and Exams (OpenUnis Study Period 1)
The online portal to request Centrally Scheduled Deferred and Further Assessments opens
Examination Dates (Semester 1, 2023)
Centrally Scheduled Examinations and Assessments are scheduled during this period.